Clients and Projects

Bowdoin College

Researchers at Bowdoin College enlisted Skytop software's design, development and consulting services for the development of a 3D visualization system of gene expression data in the developing mouse cerebellum. The cross platform system will allow researchers to digitize in-situ hybridization spots from cross-sectioned samples, register and stage the sections to a canonical model, and spatially and temporally visualize and query the data. Additionally, the system will allow the researcher to enter developmental gene regulatory patterns which will allow in-silico hypothesis testing. Technologies used included the Open Source, C++ Visualization toolkit (, the Insight toolkit (, CMake, PostgreSQL and PostGIS, Java Web Services, Hibernate, Subversion and other related tools and technologies.

Penobscot Bay Media LLC

Skytop software assisted in the design and development of the Animal Mortality and Morbidity Investigation (AMMI) and the Maine Historic Property Workbench (HPWB) web applications. We prototyped, designed and developed authentication and authorization modules for both applications using ASP.NET 2.0 and C#. The AMMI solution involved sharing an authentication ticket to allow the use of an existing login page in a separate application. Skytop Software also consulted with Penobscot Bay Media to evaluate solutions to performance issues in other applications.

Maine Boats Homes and Harbors (MBHH) Magazine

Skytop Software developed PHP scripts that allowed MBHH to update business directory data from their FileMakerPro business system to the MBHH web site. The update involved accepting an XML dump of the FileMakerPro data, parsing the data and comparing source values to target values stored in a MySQL database, updating and inserting values where appropriate. The PHP scripts were deployed on a LAMP stack consisting of CentOS 4.5, Apache 1.3, MySQL 5 and PHP 5. Additionally, the Drupal CMS system was used.

Omnautic LLC

Skytop Software was recruited to help develop the Omnautic Boating Guide which displays NOAA charts overlaid with GIS data for boaters, including data added by users. Skytop assisted in the development of ColdFusion services, database structures, user security enhancements and application logging. We also installed and configured a Subversion server on Apache using OpenSSL/SSPI on Windows 2003 Server to secure and coordinate development efforts.


Carl Trapani founded Skytop Software in 2007 to assist scientific researchers and business organizations develop flexible, predictable, and scalable software solutions. Before founding Skytop Software, Carl worked at both large and small companies including:

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